What to be careful with when renting a car?
What to be careful with when renting a car?
Renting a car motly works without any problem and you do not hav to worry about anything apart from signing a contract, paying the rent and paying the deposit. Nevertheless nobody is perfect. Sometimes it happens that you neither the lessor notice the fact that can make the rental morecomplicated later. Therefore you better check some things uring taking over the car.
Complexity of order
If you have ordered a car with extra service, do not forget to check this service. Navigation, baby seat or snow chains are not necessary for driving the car, but absence of these things can be surprising. If you notice while taking the car over, everything can usually be quickly worked out.
If you have ordered a car with extra service, do not forget to check this service. Navigation, baby seat or snow chains are not necessary for driving the car, but absence of these things can be surprising. If you notice while taking the car over, everything can usually be quickly worked out.
Sanctions and participation
It pays to check sanctions for late return of tha car, not filling up the fuel or for contaminating interior or exterior. The fees are equiavlent to real cots with most relibale car rentals but you can meet unfair dealing when you can get high penalty for returning the car without a filled tank. Also the best car rentals tolerate delay when returning the car within one hour within any sanctions. Amount of participation for accident and theft is usually 10% of the value of the car, nevertheless thr car rental sometimes offer aditional insurance and reducing the partidcipation to 1%.Be especially careful if you také pert in participation also in case when the accident is not your fault.
Initial mileasge of speedometer and full tank
If you order a car with limit of kilometres, then do not forget to check before signing the contract if the employee of the car rental copied the nileage correctly. Also check the amount of fuel and check it with the number in the contarct.
Exterior condition of the car
Some car rentals care about scratches, dents or hubcaps very much, others are careless. Nevertheless for your own good, it is important that the condition of the car is specified precisely especiall with the first rental and you can be sure that ther will not be any unnecessary problem when returning the car. You better insisit on putting down as most of exterior damage as possible if you find any on the car. Whit handing the car back you will find out how punctually the staff work.
Interior conditions
Car rentals are interested if the interior of the car is clean and if the car seat covers are not used more than usual wear and tear. Complete equipment of the car is for granted.
Green card and technical certificate
When taking the car over, ask always where is the green card and the small technical certificate for posible police road control. Car rentals usually hide them in various places, e.g. behind the sun shield or in the glove compartment but they can be anywhwre in the car, possibly with the staff.
Specifics connected with traveling abroad
If you travel abroad with the car from car rental, it is necessary to inform the car rental in advance. Although you should check if the staff of the car rental is aware of that fact and if the car is equipped for this journey. Especially important are snow chains if they are mandatory in the destination and so called emission sticker if you go to German cities.
What is not necessary to check?
Car rentals care about their cars beinng prepared for your use. Therefore with a short time rental you do not have to check technical conditions of the car, liquids or pressure in tyres if you do not suppose extreme load. You do not have to check mandatory equipment either because car rentals are careful about it and they would not dare to offer a car without complete equipment. The staff will usually show it to you, so you do not have think about it.